Although the magnificent cloth is actually zip, the skin rash minister and the authorised was too scared to tell the emperor the truth for they might be stupid. When the day of the procession comes, the emperor was dressed in his underwear and pretended that he was wearing a font. Everyone in the crowd pretends that the emperors suit is beautiful. Suddenly, a native kid cries out, But he has nothing on! effective hear what the innocent says! said the father. Rapidly, this countersig n was passed on to others in the crowd. But,! the emperor advanced to go on proudly and continue the procession even when he knew he was undressed. Hans Christian Anderson, also the son of a shoemaker, was born in Odense, Denmark in April second 1802. He had lost his father at the age of 11. In his early childhood, he lived with his illiterate fuck off and he love to invent tales and stories ever since he was a kid. When he got older, he became a creative writer...If you want to blend in a overflowing essay, order it on our website:
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